Power Project Episode #66: 2020 Vision & Distractions that Can Hinder It


Three Lessons From The Mountains
Focusing On Distractions that Can Cloud Your Vision
The White out
We are currently enjoying a holiday vacation in a beautiful lodged perched atop a mountain. The lodge has wrap around windows and a view that is breathtaking. From my bedroom, I can see a massive range of pine tree clad mountainous snow capped peaks that extend into the heavens in a serene setting where you can’t tell exactly where the mountains end and the clouds begin. We’ve gazed out the windows watching the sunrise and sunset over this spectacular landscape. However, this morning, we awoke to heavy snowfall and close to a white out situation. All I could see were a few pine trees right outside the window. There were no mountains, forest, or peaks extending into the clouds in the background. Just white, a solid sheet of white. I had to stop and think to myself that so often, we are distracted by the current circumstances that can keep us from seeing the whole vision. The mountains are still there. They are still waiting to be climbed, skiied, and traversed. They haven’t gone anywhere. There is just simply a blanket of snow clouding the view and keeping us from being able to truly see them and the endless possibilities.
Often times, we cast our vision on the goals we wish to achieve. We decide to start a new career, begin a healthy lifestyle, or venture out onto our very own purpose journey. We write down our goals that we wish to achieve in the future. We create action plans and set time frames. We can feel the excitement of the vision we have casted. We can imagine ourselves at the end goal, seeing the vision come to fruition. And, then, a whiteout begins: A friend or family member says something negative about your vision and the sun becomes a little less bright as the view gets a little less clear and precise. An advisor, investor, or prospective partner tells you no and that it will never work. The snow begins falling and you start to squint to see the top of the mountain. You realize how much hard work this vision is going to take and the snow falls harder. You’re only seeing the mountains closest to you at this point. You realize the financial investment this vision will require of you and before you realize it, the sheets of snow in the form of doubt, insecurity, rejection, and mental exhaustion have completely blanketed the vision in one giant white out.
The vision is still there. It is still waiting for you to bring it to fruition. You have to accept the distractions for exactly what they are: obstacles that will hide your vision momentarily. However, when the snow stops falling, the vision is there. You just have to see beyond it.
Mental: Your vision has developed in your mind. You’ve dreamt it and can see it vivid detail.
Physical: You have to take action in order to achieve your vision.
Most people never get past the mental stage. They see the vision and then let the whiteout shut them down.
The mountains are still there but you have to physically take the steps to fully explore and enjoy all that they have to offer.
Once you can accept the distractions in your life as simply a mental block, you have to put one foot in front of the other and put the work in to achieve your vision.
Not Casting Your Vision Where You Want to Go
I’ve been working with my god daughter this year to help her learn to ski. Last year she did ski school but this year she felt confident enough to take on the mountain without an instructor. We are in a new place and a mountain that she and I don’t know. But, I wanted her to know that I believed in her and she could do it. So, as we disembarked from the life, I went over our plan. I talked to her about the slopes we would be skiing, reminded her to make her big swooping “S’s” and told her to just follow me and do what I did. We took off down the mountain and I was so incredibly proud of how well she was doing and how great she had listened. I told her to keep her eyes on me because, just as her instructor had taught her, where your eyes go, your skis follow. She followed my path like a permanent shadow for the rest of the day. There wasn’t one turn I made that she didn’t take as well. When I sped up, she sped up. When I stopped, she stopped. However, along the way, I forgot to heed my own advice. We were making our way down a bit of a difficult blue that had uneven terrain with piles of fresh powder as well as a few patches of ice. Very aware of the two little girls that were following my tracks, I was doing my best to stay on the smoothest path possible. As I was trying to avoid the powdery mounds, I didn’t quite make the turn as smooth as possible, crossed the back of my skis up, and couldn’t get them uncrossed. I was quickly lying on the ground on my back, sk

Picture of Brandi Voth

Brandi Voth

Hi! I'm, Brandi, founder of The Power Project, and I'm so glad you're here! I have this crazy belief that we can all do anything we set our minds to! Sometimes, you just need to hear it from a stranger on the internet. But, we're not strangers anymore. We're friends now. Welcome Friend! I hope you find some inspiration, encouragement, and empowerment here.