Depression doesn’t always look like doom gloom, and despair. It may not hide behind dark glasses, baggy clothes, and a disheveled appearance. It may not lock itself up indoors and not come out among society.

It may be put together perfectly and hiding behind a gorgeous smile and flawless appearance. It may sit across from you at a table and chat life, love, and family without ever introducing itself.
It may very well be the person on the other end of the phone, the receiving end of a text, or the last “like” on a social media post.

It is no judge of persons and doesn’t have a certain type. It may invade the mind of a middle class, well educated, christ following, beautifully talented, devoted wife, mother, daughter, granddaughter, cousin, sister, aunt, and friend.

Depression doesn’t want you talking about it. It wants to stay tucked away in the dark shadows, where it can tear lives apart and no one will notice until it is too late.

It is time that we take a stand. It is time that we TALK about it. In a world where we are oversharing on social media daily, telling people how we “feel” and what we had for breakfast, we have to choose to bring mental illness to the forefront.

For far too long, we the church, have treated mental illness like a lack of Christianity. We have told those that suffer that they should pray more and draw closer to God. Any struggle with mental illness has been treated as if that person isn’t walking in faith. While praying and drawing closer to God are crucial in this struggle, seeking help, reaching out, and knowing that it is okay to ask for support is critical. We Christians must begin treating mental illness in the same manner that we would treat cancer: aggressively! We have to let those that suffer know that they can talk about it. They are not pariahs nor are they any less of a child of God. They have to know that they can stand in Christ’s presence and ask for support, love, and mercy from their fellow believers.

We have to stand and say that we will be those Christians. We will be the hands and feet of Jesus. We will be the shoulder to cry on and the support that they need. We will love without passing judgement. And, we will look the enemy in the face and call him out of the darkness.
“The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” ~ John 1:5

The world lost a beautiful soul this week. You are missed dearly my friend. But know this, because of you, we will have the conversations. We will be aware. We will know that it is okay to ask for help, just as we will know that is our duty to offer help.

Picture of Brandi Voth

Brandi Voth

Hi! I'm, Brandi, founder of The Power Project, and I'm so glad you're here! I have this crazy belief that we can all do anything we set our minds to! Sometimes, you just need to hear it from a stranger on the internet. But, we're not strangers anymore. We're friends now. Welcome Friend! I hope you find some inspiration, encouragement, and empowerment here.

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