This episode is part of a series where Brandi shares Biblical References of 40. Since this is her 40th year on earth, and the Bible mentions this number several times, we thought it would be fun to dive into some of these references.
Biblical Reference of 40
#1 Consistency: The Flood Gen. 7:4 “Seven days from now, I will make the rains pour down on the earth. And it will rain for forty days and forty nights until I have wiped from the earth all the living things I have created. He’s consistent even when he is doing what we can’t yet comprehend. It had never rained like this before. He didn’t make it pour from the heavens for one day or one week, it poured in a manner that had never been seen before, and it did so for 40 days. He made the impossible not only possible but consistent. In the same way that he formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into the man’s nostrils, and the man became a living person in Genesis 2:7. In the same way that he formed me in my mother’s womb and knit all of cry inner parts together in Psalm 139:14 In the same way that he has laid out a path for me and made plans of hope and a future in Jeremiah 29:11 He is a God of possibility. But he is a consistent God of possibility. He doesn’t just do the impossible once but he does it time and time again, from the very beginning of humanity to the present day that each and every one of us is standing in. And, when we doubt with our human minds and fearful hearts, we are questioning his very infinite capabilities. When God has called us to take a step of faith and we are perched on the threshold, we have to remember that he has been a God of consistency that has never failed us. He is not concerned with what happens after we take that step because he has laid the plans out on the other side. He just needs us to be fearfully obedient and trust his consistency to do the impossible. He sees you. He sees the mountain that you are facing. He hears your doubt and uncertainty. He recognizes your fear. He doesn’t need you to do anything other than to trust his consistency.
Read the full passage of the flood in Genesis here: 7 Next God said to Noah, “Now board the ship, you and all your family—out of everyone in this generation, you’re the righteous one. 2-4 “Take on board with you seven pairs of every clean animal, a male and a female; one pair of every unclean animal, a male and a female; and seven pairs of every kind of bird, a male and a female, to insure their survival on Earth. In just seven days I will pour rain on Earth for forty days and forty nights. I’ll make a clean sweep of everything that I’ve made.” 5 Noah did everything God commanded him. 6-10 Noah was 600 years old when the floodwaters covered the Earth. Noah and his wife and sons and their wives boarded the ship to escape the flood. Clean and unclean animals, birds, and all the crawling creatures came in pairs to Noah and to the ship, male and female, just as God had commanded Noah. In seven days the floodwaters came. 11-12 It was the six-hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month that it happened: all the underground springs erupted and all the windows of Heaven were thrown open. Rain poured for forty days and forty nights. 13-16 That’s the day Noah and his sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth, accompanied by his wife and his sons’ wives, boarded the ship. And with them every kind of wild and domestic animal, right down to all the kinds of creatures that crawl and all kinds of birds and anything that flies. They came to Noah and to the ship in pairs—everything and anything that had the breath of life in it, male and female of every creature came just as God had commanded Noah. Then God shut the door behind him. 17-23 The flood continued forty days and the waters rose and lifted the ship high over the Earth. The waters kept rising, the flood deepened on the Earth, the ship floated on the surface. The flood got worse until all the highest mountains were covered—the high-water mark reached twenty feet above the crest of the mountains. Everything died. Anything that moved—dead. Birds, farm animals, wild animals, the entire teeming exuberance of life—dead. And all people—dead. Every living, breathing creature that lived on dry land died; he wiped out the whole works—people and animals, crawling creatures and flying birds, every last one of them, gone. Only Noah and his company on the ship lived. 24 The floodwaters took over for 150 days.
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