Power Project #51: Jessica Brinkley, Going Boldly With God


This week, we kick off Season 2 of The Power Project & I am so excited about what is to come! Thank you to all of our supporters of Season 1. We promise that we’re only getting better from here! And, our mission will always be to inspire you to go out and lead purpose filled lives while owning your God-given Power.

I had the pleasure of interviewing my real life friend, Jessica Brinkley about her spiritual growth journey, life as a preacher’s kid, and how to heal your heart in Jesus. She chats college, breakups, being called to purpose, God radically revealing himself to her, and how she had to listen closely to God’s voice for her spiritual and physical health. She shares with us how she was called to fight human trafficking at a young age and has not let fear stand in her way of speaking out about the injustices.

Jessica shares with us about her recent travels to Cambodia and Thailand, her work on the ground there, and what it looks like to be like Christ to to others, but not force Christ on anyone.

This lady is the gold standard of walking in purpose as a young single daughter of God. I know you’re going to love her.

You can find Jessica on IG at www.instagram.com/jessicaclairebrinkley
Launch dates for her upcoming books as well as inspirational blog can be found at www.jessicaclairebrinkley.com

Have you written a review yet? Girl! We are in Season 2 at this point! What are you waiting on? Go do that now please!!

Oh yeah, have you tried those killer skincare products I keep raving about?? Go do it now! www.the-powerproject.com/powerfulbeauty

Also, I’m a firm believer in taking a proactive stance to protecting our kids online and, thanks to our partners at Bark, you can too! Listeners of the podcast can use this link www.bark.us/?ref=powerproject or Discount Code POWERPROJECT to receive a 15% DISCOUNT.

Picture of Brandi Voth

Brandi Voth

Hi! I'm, Brandi, founder of The Power Project, and I'm so glad you're here! I have this crazy belief that we can all do anything we set our minds to! Sometimes, you just need to hear it from a stranger on the internet. But, we're not strangers anymore. We're friends now. Welcome Friend! I hope you find some inspiration, encouragement, and empowerment here.