Power Project Episode #61: How to Take Action after a Conference


HOW TO TAKE ACTION & Apply knowledge after a conference:

I love conferences but the biggest mistake I see people make is that they don’t take action after a convention or conference. I see people that are so caught up int he experience that they forget to utilize the conference as the tool it is.

At the conference, you should have networked with intention. You hopefully exchanged business cards, phone numbers, and added each other on social media. Keep the conversation going. Stay connected with the community you have been immersed in.
Whether you are attending a women’s conference, personal development conference, or business conference. These are your people. They are likeminded individuals with similar interests and goals in life.
Find the ones that live in close proximity and schedule a follow up. Chances are, these people will help keep you motivated and focused.
Follow the hashtag that was used for that conference in order to make sure you are connecting with others that you may have missed at the conference.

2. Go over notes: Review your information.
1. What stuck out to you, what lit a fire, what did you highlight? What was the biggest takeaway you had from the conference? Was there an “Aha moment?”
2. Organize these thoughts in one document. This is where I take my handwritten highlighted notes and transfer them into a document on my computer in order to have them easily accessible for future trainings or referencing.

3. Follow the speakers: these are your mentors whether you know it or not. Continue this education.
1. If they have a podcast, subscribe immediately. (rate & review the podcast as well)
2. Follow them on social media. Chances are, they’re just as motivating online as they are on stage.
3. Buy the books.

4. What is the number one thing that you realized you weren’t doing but should be? Why is this relevant? How will it greatly improve your life.
1. Did you realize your mental block that is getting in the way of your success? You need to work on mindset. Do the deep dive here. Lean into every area you need to in order to develop the mindset it takes to achieve your goals: Surround yourself with those that will encourage this, read all the books, listen to all the podcasts, create your morning routine, focus on developing the growth mindset. Whatever it takes.
2. Did you realize that you need to focus on time management? Get intentional about your schedule. Time block and organize your days.

5. Decide what pro-active step will deliver the most positive results. Monetary
1. If you are at a company convention: Do you have a new product? That product needs to be brought to your market to generate sales. This is more important than learning an entirely new marketing technique. Get the information out about that product/program/etc.., whether you know the ingredients or all of the details, build value in the product itself. Educate your community as to why they need that product and how it will benefit them. Do not get stuck in analysis paralysis here. Remember, if you don’t know the ingredients or particular details, you can always look that answer up.

2. You most likely had ideas at a women’s conference or personal development conference. Did you dream of hosting a ladies bible study. Did you think of a women’s retreat? Did you have the idea for a team training? Put that plan on paper & action. Begin talking to your community about this idea. Poll your audience. Ask for suggestions, recommendations, the best time to have the event. Build excitement around this idea.
3. Realized that you need to add an offer to your current business? Create the action plan for what that looks like.

6. Now, I want to speak to those that attend Business Conferences primarily. Often times it is 100% like drinking from a firehose. All the information is given, you write furiously, and you’re so excited for the future. You go home with all your new ideas and think: Okay, I have to build an email list, create a landing page, create a giveaway for the landing page, use Canva for the giveaway, download canva, learn how to use canva and how to resize pics. Oh wait, I have to learn how to take good quality pics with great lighting for Instagram and post over there at least once a day. Speaking of that, I need to update my bio with my new link tree information. Oh, and I need to start writing articles on LinkdIn. But, I need to have a podcast first, so that I have information to share over there. Which reminds me that I don’t even know how to record a podcast and I need to order one of those mics which plugs into my phone. Also, I need to learn YouTube so that I can start creating some coaching videos to build out my following and create a course.
*Get the picture?

Picture of Brandi Voth

Brandi Voth

Hi! I'm, Brandi, founder of The Power Project, and I'm so glad you're here! I have this crazy belief that we can all do anything we set our minds to! Sometimes, you just need to hear it from a stranger on the internet. But, we're not strangers anymore. We're friends now. Welcome Friend! I hope you find some inspiration, encouragement, and empowerment here.