Power Project Episode#7: Malina Enlund with A21


This week, I chat with my friend Malina Enlund, A21’s Thailand Country Director. Malina has ten years experience in child protection and loves the Thai people as her own. A21 is an anti-human trafficking organization committed to abolishing modern day slavery in the 21st century. With a heart of gold and a spirit of unstoppable determination, Malina is carrying out this mission each day.

“After 10 years in the field, the ones that I see still out there fighting are not the ones that were the smartest, not the best, or the most talented. They are the ones that didn’t give up.”
I know that you will be inspired and empowered buy her story of perseverance, compassion, and following God’s call in life.

For more information about Human Trafficking, to get help, or register for the Walk For Freedom, go to www.a21.org.
If you have questions for Malina directly, you can email her at malinaenlund@gmail.com.

To learn more about the Hula Hoop Girl https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjL3tSN0oveAhVL_IMKHW_UBlEQwqsBMAB6BAgCEAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fvimeo.com%2F287688482&usg=AOvVaw2Gt36iXbLXl7v4KBNWmRwH

Picture of Brandi Voth

Brandi Voth

Hi! I'm, Brandi, founder of The Power Project, and I'm so glad you're here! I have this crazy belief that we can all do anything we set our minds to! Sometimes, you just need to hear it from a stranger on the internet. But, we're not strangers anymore. We're friends now. Welcome Friend! I hope you find some inspiration, encouragement, and empowerment here.